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Nick Dunnell lawyer photo

Nick's expertise in private client and tax involves acting for individuals, families and trustees in the UK and abroad to mitigate their tax exposure, and structure their wealth against potential threats posed to it. 

Nick advises on tax, estate planning and wealth structuring. He enjoys problem solving and adding value to client relationships, and is keen to identify issues of concern to clients followed by how to deal with them practically and commercially.

Nick works collaboratively with small flexible teams of colleagues, tailored to serving specific client needs.

Nick's clients range from purely domestic to international, coming from places including the US, western and eastern Europe, the Middle East, the Far East and Southern Africa. 

Nick qualified as a solicitor in 1989.


"Dunnell picks up all the issues and he is fearless about raising issues in a timely way and getting them on the table. For Nick, there is no hiding behind tactics and he faces issues early on, which is appreciated by all parties." (Chambers HNW 2023)

" a very good lawyer and very well respected…Nick is extremely good to deal with." (Chambers HNW 2022 - Private Wealth Law)

Nick is ranked Band 4 for Private Wealth Law in the Chambers High Net Worth Guide 2021.

"Nick is quite statesmanlike in the way he deals with things. He is very good at seeing the bigger picture and managing his team to run a project." (Chambers HNW 2021)

"He is very, very good. He is on top of everything and always at the end of the phone to answer whatever questions you might have." (Chambers HNW 2021)

"He is very bright, very pragmatic and always willing to roll up his sleeves. He isn't afraid of a challenge and he's very confident in putting across his thoughts and opinions." (Chambers HNW 2021)

"Particularly adept at navigating the often conflicting rules and tax regimes in the various jurisdictions so that complex structures work simultaneously within them." (Chambers HNW 2020)

"He is very good at cutting through the complexity and focusing on the key issues. He is very practical and very commercial." (Chambers HNW 2020)

"He has an encyclopedic knowledge of the tax legislation and applies it very straightforwardly to clients." (Chambers HNW 2020)

Memberships & Accolades

Nick is listed as a Recommended 2021, Tax and Trust lawyer in Spear's 500 Magazine 2021 edition.

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