Charles Anderson
Senior Counsel
Charlie has advised property clients, predominantly institutions and private offices, on investment, asset management and development projects for over 35 years.
Charlie is best known for his work on community developments for landowners and promoters and capital projects for major institutions as well as advising livery companies.
Charlie has over 35 years' experience in the commercial property market starting in the 1980's upwards cycle, then transacting for proactive clients in the 1990's and most recently participating in the London and UK market as a destination for international capital. Charlie has been at the forefront of the development of urban communities and commercial projects reflecting the growing sophistication and flexibility of prime buildings.
His main areas of focus are:
- Investment and development projects for private capital, both international and UK. These projects are generally part of the client's long-term investment strategy and often as part of substantial mixed-use portfolios
- Community development projects particularly for leading estates, working on the promotion and delivery of mixed-use high-quality design and sustainable communities, and
- Capital projects for institutions and charities.
Charlie qualified as a solicitor in 1985.