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Making arrangements for your children following a breakdown of your relationship can be extremely difficult and stressful. Our aim is to provide you with sensitive, pragmatic and sensible advice, enabling you to take a constructive approach. We will always act in your best interests, and will help you to find a child-focused, practical and workable solution.   

Ideally, you and your spouse will be able to agree arrangements between you. Where it is not possible for you to do this directly, alternative methods of dispute resolution, such as mediation, collaborative law or arbitration may assist you to do so. Where it has not been possible to reach an agreement, court proceedings may be necessary.

Our children's law services & expertise

We advise clients on all issues affecting children upon relationship breakdown. This includes where they spend their time, and also specific issues surrounding their care such as which school they should attend, or what medical care they should receive. These cases can be difficult, and early intervention with experienced lawyers can be crucial.

We also have expertise in dealing with international cases, where the jurisdiction of the English court may be in issue.

We regularly advise on relocation cases.  This includes where one of the parents wishes to move away with the children – either abroad or within this country – or where one parent is concerned that the other will take the children abroad without their consent.

Our experienced reputation management team works with us where necessary in order to help keep these sensitive cases out of the public eye.

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